Lawn care has long been centered around the application of fertilizers and pesticides, with the goal of achieving a lush, green lawn. But what if we’ve been missing a crucial piece of the puzzle? The truth is, the health of a lawn is not solely dependent on the amount of fertilizer and pesticides applied, but on the life within the soil itself.

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For years, we’ve been compressing and altering the soil beneath our feet through the removal of forests, farming practices, and heavy construction equipment. What once was a thriving ecosystem is now compacted dirt, unable to support the diverse array of life that it once did. This is where weeds come in – they are nature’s way of breaking up compaction and building organic matter.

At Stangl’s Services, we’ve been breaking the cycle of degenerative lawn care practices since 2014. Instead of relying solely on chemicals, we focus on regenerative processes that work with nature to improve soil health and plant growth. One of the key components of this approach is our compaction treatment, which allows oxygen and water to penetrate deeper into the soil, promoting better root development and reducing the need for frequent watering.

Our Nature’s Brew, combined with a soil compaction treatment, helps to unlock the full potential of your lawn. By improving the rhizophagy cycle (the way plants farm biology for what they need) and increasing microbial activity, we see reduced insect and disease pressures, and a lawn that reaches its genetic potential.

But the benefits of regenerative lawn care go beyond just a beautiful lawn. By improving the health of the soil, we can also reduce atmosphere CO2 levels and absorb more water, reducing flooding and having a global impact.

Join us in moving beyond traditional lawn care and unlocking the hidden potential of soil.