Brix measurement is a simple tool that measures the sugar content of plants, which can be used to determine the quality of the produce and its ability to resist insects and diseases. The measurement is based on the refractive index of the plant sap, which increases as the sugar content of the plant increases.

According to Dr. Thomas M. Dykstra, Ph.D., there is a correlation between the Brix measurement and the quality of the produce. The Brix measurement can be used to predict the insect resistance of the plant, as well as its water retention abilities and disease resistance.

Aphids, for example, are attracted to plants with a Brix measurement of 6-8, while chewing insects prefer plants with a Brix measurement of 9-11. Grasshoppers, on the other hand, prefer plants with a Brix measurement of 10-12+. By measuring the Brix of your plants, you can determine which types of insects are most likely to be attracted to them, and take appropriate measures to prevent infestations.

Plant secondary metabolites, which are compounds that are not directly involved in the growth, development, or reproduction of the plant, but rather play a role in the plant’s defense against insects and diseases, also increase as the Brix measurement of the plant increases. Plants with a Brix measurement of 3-8 have higher levels of secondary metabolites, which make them more resistant to insect attacks.

As the Brix measurement increases to 8-12, the plant’s resistance to insects and diseases begins to increase, as well as its water retention abilities. This means that plants with a higher Brix measurement are less susceptible to wilting and drought, which can be especially important in hot and dry climates.

Finally, when the Brix measurement reaches 12 or above, the plant is said to be producing food of the highest quality, with no insects or diseases. This is because plants with a high Brix measurement have a stronger immune system, which enables them to resist attacks from insects and diseases.

In conclusion, the Brix measurement is a simple yet powerful tool that can be used to determine the quality of your plants and predict their resistance to insects and diseases. By measuring the Brix of your plants, you can take appropriate measures to prevent infestations and ensure that your plants are producing food of the highest quality.