Sustained Versus Sustainable.

“Our objective is to turn short term opportunities into more long-term sustainable opportunities”

Ross Atkins,

General Manager

Toronto Blue Jays

In the lawn care industry, like the pro sports industry, the whole idea of sustainable long-term solutions is an important one.

However, some solutions are much simpler to sustain than other.

In lawn care there are basically two approaches to getting a good-looking lawn.

The Sustained Chemical Approach.

This process involves the use of chemical-based fertilizers, weed and insect sprays. And this will do the job for sure…but.

1 Killing weeds chemically does nothing to prevent the appearance of new weeds, so you end up in a continuous cycle of spraying that actually has no end.

2 Spraying these chemicals on your lawn creates a potentially toxic environment for kids and pets.

3 As you water your lawn, these toxic chemicals can seep into the water tables adding toxicity to the community water supply, not to mention streams rivers and even the lake

The Sustainable Organic Approach

This approach involves the use of completely natural organic materials which work to promote healthy grass growth by enhancing the quality of life within the soil, thus strengthening the grass’ root systems.

This is an organic, sustainable solution that can eliminate weed pressures and reduce their ability to re-appear, by actually taking the nutrients from the weeds’ root systems and using them to help the grass grow stronger.

Over time the weeds simply disappear and don’t reappear because there is no place for them to take root.

Achieving a dynamic organic lawn isn’t about killing the weeds. It’s about how the grass uses the weeds to grow stronger.

There is some pretty complex organic science behind all this, and because what we’re doing is all natural, it will take more time to achieve.

But unlike temporary unsustainable chemical sprays and fertilizers, which need to be applied regularly and are quite unsafe for people, the environment and even the long term health of your lawn, the organic solution actually ends up creating a naturally strong, dense, deep-rooted grass with no place for weeds to grow.

In this age of instant gratification there are still a few things that can’t be rushed, like the aging of fine wine, the development of professional sports teams and the process of organically creating a beautiful, natural lawn.

In today’s world, we need to be able to do all we can to make use of natural sustainable solutions. Mainly because they are extremely important for the overall well being of our environment.

This is a very big part of the reason we chose to convert our business from being chemical based to being completely organic.

We knew it would be a bit of a harder sell. But we also knew we were now part of the solution as opposed to part of the process. And that’s always the better place to be.