When it comes to the health of your lawn, expectation is perhaps the largest factor that can contribute to disappointment. Not being able to clearly see evidence of improvement eventually becomes discouraging. But our Soil Health Calculation provides the clarity and perspective needed to measure the interactions of the whole lawn, rather than just the parts, in order to assess the overall well-being of your lawn.

The calculation, which is part of our Sustainable Safe Lawn Process, actually measures how well your lawn is able to draw down atmospheric CO2, through photosynthesis. In reality, this is the harvesting of the sun’s energy to create organic matter and life in your lawn’s soil. Weeds, insects, and disease are only symptoms of unhealthy soil. The causes can range from disturbances by construction to harsh fertilizer and spray programs.

Conventional lawn care products like fertilizers and sprays may appear to achieve the desired results of a perfect lawn, but they come with undesirable side effects. The science, data, and evidence, in addition to first-hand personal experiences, are all showing causal connections between fertilizer and spray usage and the rise of cancer and other illnesses. Additionally, we are now seeing a direct correlation to the decline of our soil, air, and water qualities. Our pets, wildlife, fisheries, and insects have all been affected, and a tipping point is at hand.

The chemical-based lawn and landscape industry, along with the manufacturers of these chemical sprays and fertilizers, don’t want you to know about these negative effects as it would affect their bottom line. They continue to propagate the idea that their products are beneficial for beauty and the environment, but if they were so healthy, wouldn’t the planet and all life on it be healthier as well?

At Stangl’s, we take a different approach to lawn care. Our Safe Lawn Process is a chemical-free approach that builds soil teeming with life, creating the diversity required the way nature intended. We understand that healthy soil leads to healthy plants, animals, and people, and ultimately a healthier planet. We measure the success of our process through our Soil Health Calculation, which assesses the lawn’s ability to absorb CO2 and create organic matter.

Don’t settle for a lawn that requires constant maintenance and repeated use of chemicals. Choose a natural, chemical-free approach that will lead to a healthier lawn, and ultimately a healthier planet. Contact us at info@stangls.com or call 9056418133 to learn more about our Sustainable Safe Lawn Process and our Soil Health Calculation.

Isn’t it your turn to be happy?