The approach to turf management can vary greatly depending on the context and area, whether it be homes, sports fields, golf courses, or commercial properties. The standard approach to turf management has been heavily reliant on chemical fertilizers and sprays, but this method has proven to have negative impacts on both the properties and the environment as a whole.

The history of homes and developments provides a prime example of why the standard approach to turf management has failed. Once forested lands were cleared for farming and were heavily tilled, fertilized, and sprayed, the soil was depleted of life and organic matter, becoming compacted and lifeless dirt. The process of land development, construction, and final grading only added to the disturbances, leaving nature to start over and allowing insects, disease, and weeds to take over.

This conventional approach only perpetuates the cycle of dependence on harsh chemicals and ignoring the long-term consequences such as illness and environmental damage. The marketing and advertising by fertilizer and spray manufacturers, along with academic endorsements, have perpetuated the belief in the effectiveness and safety of these products.

However, it’s time to adopt a different approach to turf management that is based on regenerative principles. By understanding the natural processes of succession, we can work with nature to promote healthy soil and thriving plants, rather than against it. By fostering a diverse array of plant species and using methods such as aeration, top dressing, and over seeding, we can improve the resilience of the soil and reduce our dependence on harmful chemicals.

It’s time to shift our perspective and approach to turf management. By embracing regenerative principles, we can create healthier, more sustainable landscapes that benefit both the environment and the communities that rely on it.